Hello, friend!

Welcome to my blog. I have posted some photos of my life to share with you. It's a simple little life, but I'm a simple little girl. Please enjoy, and feel free to leave comments
if you'd like.

H.R.H. Carlotta

Friday, November 28

Heading to California SOON!

and i'm so excited, i can't stop racing around.

Thursday, November 20

cold weather is upon us. time to pull out the turtlenecks!

Sunday, November 16

Sometimes a fresh carrot is enough to make you lick your lips. Mmmm, mmmm, good!

Tuesday, November 4


Monday, October 27


this is something i've never seen

a stream of around 40 UPS trucks with a police escort, all parade-like...

my goodness, sunday evenings are restful and lovely!

i find the camera very interesting.

Wednesday, October 15

i'm happy to say that soon i will be relocating to california! i should be back in my home state by the end of december. i am super duper excited to leave the east coast behind. it's just not for me. california, here i come!!!

Saturday, October 4

yahoo, summer is finally over!!

how do i know for sure?

the other night i had to take out my Angela Original sweater. (you know it's quality goods and a timeless style when you can wear it season after season!)

yay, i thought fall would never come!

oh, that lovely, lovely sun!

i got in trouble

the other day i decided i would stop using my litterbox, and i started peeing in various places other than my litterbox (which i have been using religiously for four years). i got in trouble and was relegated to my cage until i remembered where my litterbox is. i don't look too happy, cuz i wasn't. (the three stray pellets you see in my bed were not part of the offensive behavior, just a mistake!)

flopping in the sun

Thursday, October 2

debate this!

we're observing something of a politics moratorium in our house these days. too stressful! so we are skipping the vp debate and opting for peace of mind instead!
(p.s. go barack!!!)

Sunday, September 28

I do not enjoy being held.

Wednesday, September 24

singing for my supper


not my friends, but each other's friends! i saw these guys in california back in april and meant to share their cuteness with you a long time ago. aren't they sweet?

Sunday, September 21

A new neighbor

i seem to be followed by black and white kitties. this little (big!) girl lives downstairs and sometimes hangs out on the roof of the lower part of the building. she stares up at me like this a lot. she's a very pretty girl. i heart her.

Friday, September 19

Mmmm, sage!

Tuesday, September 16

oh, hello.

i have a new favorite: lamb's lettuce from trader joe's. i think i'll enjoy some now.

Thursday, September 11

i admit, i'm becoming a bit of an egomaniac...

check me out on today's disapproving rabbits. custom-made shrug by angela.


Wednesday, September 10


Tuesday, September 9


Saturday, September 6

i can beg with the best of them.

(this picture is on cuteoverload!)

Friday, September 5

Ms. June 10th

exciting news!! the cuteoverload calendar is out, and i am in it!! (sweater by angela!) june 10, 2009! here's a preview:

i love the company i'm keeping! these guys are june 9th.

and these two are june 11th!

even the box that the calendar came in is cute!!

dig the crazy dancing panda!

i admit it, the little bun on the cover is cuter than i am. but who can hope to compete with a baby?

Tuesday, September 2

my new pasttime

i recently discovered that, if i put some pep in my step, i can jump up on the bed! i thought it was far too high for me to reach. wrong. so my new pasttime is jumping up and down off the bed (actually, jumping off is more like flying halfway across the room!). and at night i enjoy jumping up on the bed and crawling all over it, as if to say, "WAKE UP AND FEED ME!!!"
it works. this morning i had my breakfast at 6 o'clock...it was still dark outside!

Saturday, August 23

Whoopdeedoo, I'm Four.

My fourth birthday was on August 19th.
It was forgotten by somebody...who tried to make it up to me by throwing me a surprise party.
I am not interested in participating.
Okay, I will humor you. But make it quick.
Okay, got your picture? I'm getting the H out of here.
Come on! Enough pictures already.
oh, and my present?
i'm sitting in it.
not enjoying this. not enjoying this at all!

that ribbon thing that was in my hair appears to be edible.
i grabbed that little disk with the chocolate on it and made a run for it.
okay, maybe i do like birthdays, after all.