Hello, friend!

Welcome to my blog. I have posted some photos of my life to share with you. It's a simple little life, but I'm a simple little girl. Please enjoy, and feel free to leave comments
if you'd like.

H.R.H. Carlotta

Monday, March 31

Exciting news!

The Animal Legal Defense Fund at the law school held its bi-annual cutest pet contest last week. I won first place in the "Miscellaneous Pet" category! This is my winning picture. I beat out an owl, a horse, and a law student who was entered as "teacher's pet." :-) I'd like to thank everyone who helped me achieve this great honor, especially, of course, Jesus.

Saturday, March 29

Ms. Helen came for a visit...I teased her, as usual.

they tried to bribe me with raisins.
you can see one conveniently situated halfway between helen and me.
i just ate the raisins and kept to myself!

i heart her paws.

the cutest face!! look at the wrinkles!

so very patient. she couldn't take her eyes off me.

i hid from her under the bed and she cried and cried for me to come out and play.

close-up of her ladylike posture.

poor ms. helen, she just wants to play.
The calendar may say spring, but the mornings still feel like winter.

Sunday, March 23

my easter friend

Monday, March 17

Sunday, March 16

Signs of spring

Monday, March 10

Zen bunny.

Kitty Gymnastics

he seems to be getting over his shyness!!
of course, we had just brushed him when he rolled around on the dirty ground...but he seemed to enjoy himself.

Friday, March 7

Early morning visitor

"Who is it?"
Hadn't even had my coffee yet this morning when I noticed someone at the back door.

Good morning!
A kiss through the glass.
I think love is blooming.
Alas, it will always have to be from afar.
Or at least, through the glass.