Hello, friend!

Welcome to my blog. I have posted some photos of my life to share with you. It's a simple little life, but I'm a simple little girl. Please enjoy, and feel free to leave comments
if you'd like.

H.R.H. Carlotta

Saturday, July 26

fuzzy but cute

Thursday, July 24

big back foot, no?

Wednesday, July 23


(still learning the video function) but when my treats appear, look out.


Tuesday, July 22

i heart carrots.

even though sometimes they turn my mouth orange.
i have a video to post, but the computer was taking waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too long
and i have no patience!
will try again later.

Sunday, July 20

First trip outside since I moved.

It was loud and kind of scary. Lots of traffic and noise. But, in my usual fashion, I quickly rebounded.

Mad, but not too mad to eat a leaf.