Hello, friend!

Welcome to my blog. I have posted some photos of my life to share with you. It's a simple little life, but I'm a simple little girl. Please enjoy, and feel free to leave comments
if you'd like.

H.R.H. Carlotta

Saturday, August 23

Whoopdeedoo, I'm Four.

My fourth birthday was on August 19th.
It was forgotten by somebody...who tried to make it up to me by throwing me a surprise party.
I am not interested in participating.
Okay, I will humor you. But make it quick.
Okay, got your picture? I'm getting the H out of here.
Come on! Enough pictures already.
oh, and my present?
i'm sitting in it.
not enjoying this. not enjoying this at all!

that ribbon thing that was in my hair appears to be edible.
i grabbed that little disk with the chocolate on it and made a run for it.
okay, maybe i do like birthdays, after all.

Tuesday, August 19

one of my favorite things is this ball made of hay. it combines my two favorite things, eating and playing.

Summer storms

Although I'm a California bunny at heart, living on the East Coast does have its perks. My favorite? Thunderstorms!

Portrait of a Lady

Note the crossed front legs.

Sneaking into the peanut butter

(yes, it's skippy! it was the only kind at the market, okay?!)

(and yes, the jar is almost as big as I am...I'm a diminutive girl!)

Ms. Twitchy Nose

Stare reproachfully.

Groom fastidiously.

Stare, again -- this time with disdain.

Monday, August 11

Friday, August 8

enjoying more carrots

Wednesday, August 6

i've been talking about food a lot these days.

my favorite days are when i get to eat right out of the bag!

Friday, August 1

bananas are so yummy!

every now and then i get a slice of banana, and i quickly devour it. YUM! i was dining in the penthouse at this time, as can see.

i stole a cookie.

don't ask how i got it! but i left a little whisker on it -- i'm not a very sly thief. actually, i was caught red-handed and had it abruptly taken from me. not before i managed to get some good bites in, though.