Hello, friend!

Welcome to my blog. I have posted some photos of my life to share with you. It's a simple little life, but I'm a simple little girl. Please enjoy, and feel free to leave comments
if you'd like.

H.R.H. Carlotta

Monday, October 27


this is something i've never seen

a stream of around 40 UPS trucks with a police escort, all parade-like...

my goodness, sunday evenings are restful and lovely!

i find the camera very interesting.

Wednesday, October 15

i'm happy to say that soon i will be relocating to california! i should be back in my home state by the end of december. i am super duper excited to leave the east coast behind. it's just not for me. california, here i come!!!

Saturday, October 4

yahoo, summer is finally over!!

how do i know for sure?

the other night i had to take out my Angela Original sweater. (you know it's quality goods and a timeless style when you can wear it season after season!)

yay, i thought fall would never come!

oh, that lovely, lovely sun!

i got in trouble

the other day i decided i would stop using my litterbox, and i started peeing in various places other than my litterbox (which i have been using religiously for four years). i got in trouble and was relegated to my cage until i remembered where my litterbox is. i don't look too happy, cuz i wasn't. (the three stray pellets you see in my bed were not part of the offensive behavior, just a mistake!)

flopping in the sun

Thursday, October 2

debate this!

we're observing something of a politics moratorium in our house these days. too stressful! so we are skipping the vp debate and opting for peace of mind instead!
(p.s. go barack!!!)